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Community Bulletins

See also: ♦ Children's Room page for children's events.

Ride the Bus on Us

Ride the BusGoodall Library, in partnership with YCCAC, offers free bus passes to our patrons who use library services, such as checking out books, using one of our computers, or borrowing a museum pass.

Downloadable E-Books and Audiobooks

CLCloudLibrary: A service of Maine Infonet to which Goodall Library subscribes. Available free to any library card holder. All content is delivered through the Cloud Library app for your smart-phone or tablet.

Other sources of ebooks and audiobooks (free, or mostly free):

Portland Library Cards

Portland Public Library

Residents of Sanford, Springvale and surrounding communities can apply at Goodall Library for a Portland Public Library card.

This program allows York County residents to use PPL's online catalog and databases free of charge from the comfort of home. Library Edition library edition

You must be at the library to use this service. You can use a library computer, or bring your own laptop and connect via WiFi.

Research your family genealogy for free with Library Edition, now available through DigitalMaineLibrary.

  • Click the DigitalMaineLibrary image above, and then look for "Ancestry Library Edition" in the site index.

Museum Passes

Museum Passes

Available to our library card holders.

Enjoy the benefits of library membership! Just stop in (or call) - tell us the museum you want to visit and the day you'd like to go.

Homebound Delivery Service

Book DeliveryIf you are unable to visit Goodall Library due to a medical condition or physical infirmity, this service may be just what you need to obtain library materials.

Twice each month we will deliver library materials and pick up any items you're returning. The delivery service is free of charge.

We offer current bestsellers, favorites from the past, and great new authors to try. You can request books (including large print), magazines, DVDs, and audiobooks on CD.

If you are interested, please call 324-4714 and ask for Chip Schrader (Director) or Jean Collins (Assistant Director).

Kill-a-Watt Meters

efficiency MAINE

efficiencyMAINE is partnering with Maine libraries to inform the public about electricity use, conservation, and reducing electricity bills!

The library has six Kill-a-Watt meters available for patrons to check out.

Top of Page | Updated: 9 Jul 2020

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